Consumer's Guide to


Researchers found not all sources of phosphatidylserine are effective for cognitive improvement. (141)

Which Source of PhosphatidylSerine (PS) Works Best? Soy? Bovine?

Early clinical studies used phosphatidylserine derived from cow brains (bovine cortex). But when mad cow disease was discovered in the 1980s, researchers began testing various foods to find an effective replacement.

Chart: Phosphatidylserine derived from soy compared to bovine and egg. Remembering names immediately after introduction: 48% soy ps, 40% bovine ps, 0% egg ps, 13% placebo. Learning and remembering written information: 40% soy ps, 37% bovine ps, 0% egg ps, 7% placebo. Remembering names one hour after introduction: 33% soy ps, 27% bovine ps, 0% egg ps, 9% placebo.

(Above:) The phosphatidylserine in Flavay Plus® is shown superior to bovine-derived phosphatidylserine for cognitive improvement. Flavay Plus® is *Certified Soy-Free* after rigorous testing for soy proteins. Using proprietary, patented processes, phosphatidylserine is extracted from highly purified fractionated gylcine max (derived from soy) and purified to exceed FDA standards for soy-free labeling. (126,141)

Both animal studies (140,141,226,227) and human clinical trials (126, 139, 168) proved that phosphatidylserine derived from soy (highly purified and certified Soy-Free) in Flavay Plus® is as effective—and better—than bovine.

A reversal of brain aging of nearly 14 years was found after 12 weeks of supplementation with 300 mg per day of phosphatidylserine in Flavay Plus®. Improvements were found in learning and remembering written information, remembering names and recognizing people, and memory of numbers. (168)

Researchers found phosphatidylserine derived from egg failed to produce cognitive improvement. (141)

Is Sunflower-Derived Phosphatidylserine Proven Effective?

No. Sunflower-derived phosphatidylserine has not proven effective for cognitive improvement.

Sunflower-derived phosphatidylserine has not proven effective for cognitive improvement.

There is no research to determine whether sunflower-derived phosphatidylserine can produce the same brain benefits as soy-derived phosphatidylserine.

Comparative testing (shown above) demonstrates that research for various sources of phosphatidylserine may not be automatically transferred to other phosphatidylserine products. Researchers found phosphatidylserine derived from egg failed to produce cognitive improvement in clinical trials. (141)

Consumers want phosphatidylserine that's proven effective for cognitive improvement.

Phosphatidylserine in Flavay Plus® is validated by clinical trials and derived from soy which is highly purified and *Certified Soy-Free*.

My psychologist husband told me that the difference in my behavior and focus is huge since taking Flavay and Flavay Plus. I am definitely ADD but was never diagnosed as a child. He is amazed at the changes in me, as am I.
—Ms. Danielle S.*
In 2006 I stopped taking Zoloft because it made me sick. That's when I found Flavay and Flavay Plus and I've been taking it ever since (12 years) and it gets me going every day. Such a difference in my life. It's been very good for me. My wife takes it too.
—Mr. P.Z.*

Change the way you grow older by protecting your memory for the many years ahead.

Taking Flavay Plus and I feel strong. —Mr. W.P.*

My husband swears by Flavay Plus. He's a truck driver and Flavay Plus keeps him calm and at the same time his energy lasts long. He wouldn't do without it. —Ms. C.K.*

Flavay plus is still the only product that works to combat my ADHD without prescription medication. I am so thankful! —Ms. D.G.*

After a few weeks of taking Flavay Plus, I felt like someone turned on a light bulb, I was just stunned. Now my husband is taking it too. —Ms. Susan F.*

I started taking Flavay and Flavay Plus for depression in January of this year. I’m very satisfied to have no withdrawal periods and no depression. I know it works because I stopped taking the products and my husband said he could tell the difference, that I wasn't 'as nice a person' when I didn't take them. And I could tell, too. So I started taking them again. —Ms. E.R.*

My psychologist husband told me that the difference in my behavior and focus is huge since taking Flavay and Flavay Plus. I am definitely ADD but was never diagnosed as a child. He is amazed at the changes in me, as am I. —Ms. Danielle S.*

My ADD is so bad I cannot go a day without Flavay Plus. It actually helps me to stay awake in the afternoon at work and not need coffee. —Ms. D.G.*

I gave my son 2 capsules of Flavay Plus this morning before school and I took 2 capsules myself. A few hours into the school day, my son's teacher sent me an email saying that my son is like a new child, focused and alert. She wanted to know what happened... My husband is a medical doctor. He had cautioned me not to get excited when ordering it... and you know what, I feel more focused myself, more able to handle things. —Ms. C.L.*

I stopped taking Zoloft in 2006 because it made me sick. That's when I found Flavay and Flavay Plus and I've been taking it ever since (12 years) and it gets me going every day. Such a difference in my life. It's been very good for me. My wife takes it too. —Mr. P.Z.*

I know taking vitamins is good for you but this is much more than that. Because of taking Flavay and Flavay Plus I experience substantial improvement in mental sharpness, acuity and in the ability to react quickly and stay on top of situations while auto racing. —dentist*

I just wanted to write and say WOW... I was so skeptical of your product at first and really had a negative attitude when I started taking it. I am a 40 yr old female with anxiety, mild ADHD and a host of arthritis and inflammation issues. It was a struggle for me to get out of bed everyday and focus on what needed to be done. I had no focus, no attention span, no energy, and no desire to do anything. About a week into taking Flavay and Flavay Plus, I started noticing that I could think a little clearer. My rheumatoid arthritis flare-ups weren't so bad, though I still have them. feeling better, and having more energy. I never thought I would feel like my old self again. I don't know exactly how you do it,...but this stuff works! I am telling all of my friends to try it because you've given me my old life back! Thank you! —Ms. L.A.*

I have used Flavay and Flavay Plus for almost a month and I really have not felt this healthy for so long. Fantastic energy and better overall. I have ms (small letters intentional, I hate it) and am feeling better even at work, people have commented my skin is better than it has ever been. I have great energy, it is incredible. —Mr. G.S.*

After one month of taking Flavay and Flavay Plus, I feel really good. I feel younger, like I used to feel 5 years ago, so that I want to start a business, and other things like that. My wife says I even look different. —Mr. R.K.*

I take 4 capsules of Flavay Plus every morning and I can keep going all day, and I stay focused too. —Mr. T.C.*

I want to thank you for Flavay Plus, it's just wonderful. My anxiety, panic and stress levels plummeted and my skin became clear and radiant. —Ms. J.C.*

I began giving my daughter Flavay Plus for ADD and then I decided to add Flavay for my daughter's allergies. I want to tell you, the Flavay works like a charm for my daughter’s allergies. She is 6 years old, and when we ran out of capsules this week she told me, "You've got to get more Flavay!" —Ms. S.S.*

My son was born with a cleft palate and learning disabilities. I am no believer in nutrients but Flavay Plus is helping my son to calm down and stay on task. I recently ran out and my son told me that 'not taking Flavay Plus makes me act crazy,' so I know he can tell the difference. —Ms. E.W.*

I'm 26 and have a severe case of ADHD, and just recently started taking Flavay Plus. From the first week I was taking three to four pills per day, and feeling the results quite rapidly... I'm thrilled with the results I'm getting with Flavay Plus. —Ms. T.A.*

Flavay Plus has worked amazingly for my son in school. I don't have the same issue with ADHD like he does but I started taking it just because I saw what it did for him and it's helped so much with making me sharper and more clear minded. —Ms. A.M.*

I have had my son on Flavay Plus now for a couple months and his test scores have dramatically improved in school!!! —Ms. M.H.*

It's (Flavay) working! My grandson is doing so much better in school. No more bad text messages from his teacher. I am so grateful. I'm so happy. —Ms. M.P.*

After two weeks my mom (85, with dementia) is telling me she feels good because she is remembering better. I’m very upbeat over this. Flavay Plus is doing just what you thought it would for my mom. —Ms. X.M.*

I ordered Flavay Plus for my son because he just started a job. He said it helps his concentration and really missed your product. —Mr. F.C.*

My sister has been using Flavay Plus and she tried to get me to order it but I resisted. Now my sister is doing better about remembering and focusing while I'm still suffering, so I’ve got to get some for myself. —Ms. Mary C.*

Flavay is terrific. I've had concentration problems, well, for 60 years, all my life. I couldn't have direct eye contact with people when talking with them because I couldn't concentrate. I told jokes but couldn't make people laugh because I couldn't keep my concentration. Now I can look people in the eye. Now I can make people laugh! I don't know how it works but it works and it is terrific. —Mr. Wayne M.*

I've got to have my Flavay. Keeps me going. Keeps me young. 4 Flavay every day. —Mr. C.S.*

My 13-year-old son started taking Flavay for ADD. He came home from school saying, ‘Mom! I felt so smart! I answered all of the questions!’ The teacher backed him up, saying he got every answer correct. So I will keep giving him Flavay. —Ms. Tammy A.*

Flavay works well with my son (6 years-old, with Autism). He's doing work at the proper level, anger issues are gone. —Ms. O.F.*

Thank you so much for all your help. Thank you for also improving my son's lifestyle (taking Flavay). —Ms. R.D.*

My grandson asked to start taking Flavay again. He is 14 years old and has ADD and anxiety and pain going down his arms and so Flavay must have been helping him because he is asking for it. (Follow-up:) Flavay is working! My grandson is doing so much better in school. No more bad text messages from his teacher. I am so grateful. I'm so happy. —Ms. M.P.*

I have found Flavay to be a wonderful product. I buy it for my mum's eyes, but we also notice it improves her cognitive function. —Ms. N.S.*

Your Flavay Plus is wonderful! I'm a nurse and I don't dare tell the doctors what my son is taking, you know they don't like supplements. This product is amazing. I put it in my son's food, he doesn't even know he is taking it. Thanks again for a wonderful product. —Ms. R. Lee*